FAQ: Swannies Model X: Created to Help You Sleep Better
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Indiegogo!

Q. What is the shipping cost?

A. The shipping is $6 for U.S. orders, $12 to Canada and E.U., and $20 for the rest of the world.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. What do Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses Do?

A. Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses improve the quality of your sleep by filtering out harmful artificial blue light from electronic devices that shut down your body’s natural melatonin production and disrupts your sleep. Swannies also prevent eye damage from excessive screen use as well as symptoms of digital eye strain such as sore eyes, headaches, and fatigue.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:39

Q. How do Swannies Blue Light Blocking glasses work?

A. Innovative lenses filter out the blue light on the visible wavelength spectrum that has been proven to disrupt sleep. The lenses allow all other light to be transmitted, leaving you free to watch TV and use electronic devices without negatively affecting your body clock.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:40

Q. Why is the lens orange? Is it available in other colors?

A. The lens is orange to help filter out the harmful blue light. This is the only color that is effective.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:40

Q. Swanwick Sleep is registered with the FDA. What does that mean?

A. Swanwick Sleep is fully registered and authorized by the FDA to import and distribute medical devices in the USA and all our products are FDA compliant.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:40

Q. When should I wear them?

A. We recommend wearing Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses any time you are using digital devices such as phones, tablets, computers or TVs for extended periods. This will prevent digital eye strain. We strongly recommend wearing your Swannies at least one hour before bed to stop artificial blue light disrupting your sleep. Some customers report better results putting the glasses on even earlier before bed.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. What's the difference between the Swannies Model X and your Swannies Classic?

A. Swannies Model X is the latest in eyewear offering you the same blue light blocking lenses with a new stylish clear frame.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. Do you offer different sizes?

A. Swannies Model X is a one-size-fits-all model. If you are anything less than 100% satisfied, we offer a money back guarantee.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. When will the Swannies Model X ship out?

A. The first 200 Early Bird orders will ship out around August of this year, with all remaining orders shipping out around October of this year.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. Do you have a guarantee?

A. Absolutely. We stand firmly behind our product and offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, just tell us! We’ll make it right.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:41

Q. Will the Swannies Model X become a regular version, or will it only be for Indiegogo?

A. Right now, our plan is to have a successful launch on Indiegogo. If you want the stylish Model X on your face, get it here.

Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:42

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Last updated: August 07, 2018 06:42

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Indiegogo!
No shipping updates are provided.
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When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

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I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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